Archive | May, 2018

91 days and counting

4 May

Spartacus Ryan Zander
and the Secrets of the Incredible


[insert dance party gif]

I’m not gonna have my first author blog post be a back-to-back GIF party, but that’s only because it’s after midnight and I might be a the slightest bit obsessive about picking just the right GIFs. But! As I was updating my book’s advanced reviews page I got SUPER excited and wanted to share my progress, right …now.

My book is officially dropping in 91 days! Not that I’m obsessively counting. I’m not obsessively counting.

Spartacus Ryan Zander and the Secrets of the Incredible has been a labor of love (as a published author, I’m contractually obligated to drop that phrase once per book mention). But this story is one I’ve loved and labored over for a super long time–so much so that the book is now almost as old as the main character. I HAVE AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD BOOK TWEEN. Amazing how fast they grow up.

Spartacus was been picked up by the loveliest people, Fitzroy Books, who have helped make this awkward tween into everything I hoped it would be. Between now and the publishing date, I’m going to be sharing updates, book details, and some funs stuff I’ve learned along the way. In the mean time, CHECK OUT THIS COVER!!!


And also–these awesome advanced reviews. 😀 😀 😀


Okay, maybe just one GIF…
